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Here is my Yu Jing Battle Group for Infinity. It currently consists of the Starter Set and an additional pack of Zhanshi line troops. I've had a lot of fun painting these models. I've had the time and energy to paint each one to higher standard than normal, because the model count is low. I haven't gone with a universal color scheme for the whole group, instead I've tied in an orange into each model somewhere, hopefully this will be enough to tie them together.

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With this Domaru Butai, I wanted to do something different than what Corvus Belli had done. I hadn't seen many Domarus painted on-line and the few I had seen, the painters had painted them the Japanese Sectorial Army's standard white-red combo. My red-orange combo seemed to work out rather well on her though and I painted her face mask white to draw your attention and create a focal point to the model.
This Domaru Butai isn't exactly complete. I need to coat her in varnish and then spray a layer of dull coat. I've never done this to seal my figs, since I mostly painted plastic before, but metal models really demand it. Once I've sealed her, she'll get stands of grass like the rest of the troops.
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This Yu Jing Celestial Guard model has seen action both as a lieutenant and as a hacker. He's pretty decent in both roles, although less so as a lieutenant. Normally I'll just set him up behind a piece of terrain, but then his lieutenant order gets wasted. It keeps your lieutenant from dying thats for so sure, cowardly lieutenants live longer than Rambos.
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Here are the ZHanshi painted a couple months ago. These soldiers form the bulk of the Yu Jing Infantry and are armed with decent BS, WIP and CC scores. They armed with combi-rifles that are nothing to laugh at. I generally go to battle with three Zhanshi, to provide orders for my heavy hitters, but lately I've seen them take down some tough guys. In light of that, I would say learning how to use light troops like these is a key skill in Infinity the Game.
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Here is my Shang-Ji Invincible. Numerous games have shown me that name is just a name, because he certianly is vincible. I've repainted his armor recently and touched up a few areas. He got chipped pretty badly in a recent game, underscoring the need to seal Infinity miniatures for game-play. I really like this model visually and in-game. He's fast with a move of 4-4, and a pretty decent shot with BS 13. He's got no special skills or abilities though, so he's pretty straightforward.
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Lastly, I'm sharing my Hac Tao model with you all. He's still a work in progress but I wanted to share him anyway. I've decided to use an off-white color for his armor instead of black. I hope that the light color will visually increase his bulk slightly. In game he's always been an asset with his thermal optical camouflage and heavy armor.
I hope you've gotten some inspiration for today, feel free to ask any question about colors or techniques on any of these models.
Tim, I like the white armor on the Hac Tao. Give the impression of TO camo in its "neutral" state.
ReplyDeleteHey guys, like the blog and look forward to getting some games in with you. Nomad shenanigans shall ensue!
ReplyDeleteAwesome looking as always! I really like the yellow/orange theme you are using.
ReplyDeleteGood choice with the white Hac Tao! I've been thinking about how to differentiate him from my black Dao Fei and I think you've given me the answer. Love it!
The force looks great man, really lovely.
ReplyDeleteThe Hac Tao really works, great choice.
Domaru is cool in those colours, thered/orange does work nicely.
Ive looked over the Shang Ji a few times, but other HI in Yu Jing just seem better...I love the model though, its a great pose and the details are great..
Your models all look great. I especially like the colour scheme on the Domaru Butai. I have a starter of Yu Jing sitting in its box, waiting to get into the painting queue. Seeing these really makes me want to move them up.
ReplyDeleteWe gotta do a face-off with decent terrain and photographic documentation for a proper bat-rep. Sooo pretty.
ReplyDeleteThanks all! Lo Pan, you're on.
ReplyDelete@venbro, the Shang-Ji is a decent HI with his MOV of 4-4 and ARM 4. He's a soldier. Nothing tricky about him. Arm him with a spitfire and have him hold the line. Or, give him the combi-rifle and flamethrower and move him up. But don't expect the world from him. Without any camo, or deployment skills, he's pretty straight forward.
Or pay 12 points more and you have a solid and fairly tough hacker! :)
ReplyDelete@martin, great point! With WIP 14 and -6 BTS, he makes a good hacker indeed!